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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Gothic 2 Gold System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-07-14 02:57:31 Views : 16700 Cheat mode To enable Gothic 2 cheats yype "Marvin" while in the character screen ("C" key by default). This will activate game console. Now, while in the game press [F2] to bring down the console and type in these Gothic 2 cheats: Code - Result: cheat god - God mode cheat full - Heal player toggle time - Toggles time toggle frame - Toggles FPS info toggle inertiatarge - Toggles inertiatarge? first person - First-person mode insert gold - Leather bag with 1000 pieces of gold and 100Exp. near your character lurker - A lurker appears more snapper - A Snapper appears troll - A Troll appears warg - A Warg appears Sheep - A sheep appears draconain - A Echsenmensch appears icegolem - An ice GOLEM appears firegolem - A fire GOLEM appears stonegolem - A stone GOLEM appears more scavenger - A Scavenger appears wolf - A wolf appears blackwolf - A black one wolf appears edit abilities - An Abilities menu will appear goto waypoint # - Teleports you to the other cities (for example "goto waypoint Lester" takes you to Lester) attributes - Opens the window for the character modes (0 = momentary life energy, 1 = maximum life energy, 2 = momentary Mana, 3 = maximum Mana, 4 = strength, 5 = fate, the values 6 and 7 changed that probably no influence on the character) Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Gothic 2 Gold cheat codes.
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